Phone No.: 040-27682208
About Us
The Department of Mathematics has been integral part of the University College of Engineering since its inception in the year 1929. Mathematics is a basic analytical tool in all engineering subjects. The syllabus is designed so as to cater the needs of all engineering departments, both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Head of the Department |
Dr.K.Ramesh Babu (Emp. ID- 36060) Areas of Interests: |
Associate Professors |
Dr.Y.Rameshwar (Emp. ID- 36046) Areas of Interests: |
Assistent Professors |
Dr.K.Ramesh Babu (Emp. ID- 36060) Areas of Interests: |
Assistant Professors (C) |
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Dr.P.Thirupathi (Emp. ID- --) Areas of Interests: |
Mr. K.Rama Lingaiah (Emp. ID- --) Areas of Interests: |
Educational Programmes:
The Department offers four Mathematics papers to the students of all branches of engineering at U.G.level to provide sufficient background for better understanding of engineering subjects. The Department also offers Mathematics papers at P.G.level for M.E students. Keeping in view the changing needs of educational standards, the department reviews and revises the syllabus every four years.
Research Activity:
The staff members of the Department are actively engaged in research in the areas of Fluid Mechanics, Magnetohydrodynamics, Self-reciprocal Functions, Differential equations, and Real Analysis. Some of the staff members are recognized research supervisors to guide students for M.Phil and Ph.D degrees. They have published research papers in well-reputed National and International Journals, presented research papers and had given keynote addresses and invited talks in National and International conferences and seminars. Some of the staff members are members and office bearers of professional bodies. The Department inviting eminent Mathematicians to deliver guest lectures for the benefit of staff members and students. The Department of Mathematics is equipped with 3 computers with internet connection.
Earlier the Department organized a National Seminar on Numerical Techniques during Aug 3-4 ,2007,under Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP) .
The Department is having a Library with good number of books for the use of faculty and research scholars.
Staff members are frequently attending conferences, seminars and workshops throughout the academic year and presenting papers, giving invited talks.